Oh my jojo - you sound just like me! I do the same thing. Right now my poor son is earning the right to watch his favorite TV show on Friday night. What does he have to do? He has to complete all the meaningless worksheets they put in front of him at school. I feel completely conflicted about this. I'm ready to just give up on the whole trying to motivate him to do well in an environment that clearly does not meet his academic needs.
Just tonight he was crying that he's been "bad". He feels terrible and I feel awful. It's just not right.
I too have a briefcase full of wonderful articles detailing the needs of kids like ours. My problem is I can't get the school to read any of the information I have.
I have researched private schools in our area and am pretty sure I will be faced with the same dilemma as they tend to focus on pacing the kids within the grade level curriculum. Grade skipping around here is unheard of - can't even go there. There are some alternative private school models - Sudbury, Waldorf & of course a true Montessori but we have NOTHING in our area. Home-schooling seems better & better all the time.