
So I'm now considering home-schooling as I will not medicate my son so he can sit in circle time and count to 100!

A friend is now HSing her son. His behavior was constantly harped on by the teachers. I think b/c of his giftedness, they expected him to behave better while the other students, with much more poor behavior, got off w/ no reprimand. He really was damaging to his self-esteem. Now with HSing, he has jumped ahead several grade levels in every subject, his behavior is outstanding, adults comment on the change in him. I say if you can HS (financially and emotionally) than definitely try it!!! I'm HSing my son, and while it is difficult (he's difficult and I have a toddler and a 5yr old in PS), he's much happier than when in PS. He complains about HSing being too hard --- this is the first time he's really had to work and it was a blow to his self-esteem....but I know he'll grow from it and be better off.