DD is very much like your description. She never slept in the day as an infant and would finally collapse around 8 pm at night (If we were lucky) OK I shouldn't say never. We had a 15 minute nap here and there but not the normal baby sleeping cycle. We use to walk her around the neighborhood sometimes at midnight b/c she would sleep for a few hours and wake up. In the stroller she would konk out but trying to put her in the crib would awaken her. We eventually used the swing for her bed.

Now I can get her to take a nap in the afternoon most of the time. And she goes to bed at night with no problems. She just seems to like being in her bed and I have empty her room out so she has no distractions. She only has her stuffed animals in bed with her. But just because she goes to bed with no problems doesn't mean she sleeps right away. I hear her playing sometimes 2 hours before it gets quiet. Usually having conversations with her animals. Then she wakes up early in the morning but quietly plays until someone comes and gets her. So I am not really sure how much she sleeps. I would say 9 - 10 hours is her norm.