Its amazing reading all the different ways we try to help get them to bed. We never really did it correct. DS5 almost 6 slept with us till about 4 years old. He is a hot sleeper, bed hogger, with nightmares. Finally we get him into his own bed (Bribed him with a Thomas the train bed) we still had the I am scared, or nightmare that brings him back to our bed. He never was a napper, but could sleep most the night. He still is always looking for reasons to sleep with us, somtimes we give in.
Now we have a full routine for the bed time, One of us must read to him,(It's better now, but from 1 on it was 6+ books a night) or he will read to us, when its time for bed, I have to turn on the invisable force field that protects him, then do a count down from 10 for a blast off into space as I turn off the lights. Then I have to lay down with him until he falls asleep. (I know bad dad) Have you ever tried sleeping in a Thomas the train bed when you are 6'1.

The good news last night he told me he could go to bed by himself without me lyning next to him. He said he was going to be 6 soon and needed to practice falling asleep alone.
What a surprise for me. 1st time, I hope it continues. I think Evillll dad would have been a lot eaiser.