Kimck - we have the same problem. Our DS4 goes to sleep in his own bed every night, but almost always by the middle of the night he's made the transfer to ours. Often this involves some loud wailing - it's a bit hard to tell, but I think he has nightmares; the good nights, though they are few, are when he comes in without waking us up. Lately we've had an added problem - horrible wailing fits in the middle of the night because something itches. He has some mild over-sensitivities in general - we often cut tags out of clothes or have to make sure the sock seam is in the right place - but this is well beyond. I confess that at 3:00 a.m. when DS is screaming his head off because some apparent mosquito bite itches (though I can't even see it!), and he is flailing about so badly that I can't even put the anti-itch cream on (can you tell such an event is fresh in my mind?) I sometimes revert to Kriston's strategy. Evil daddy. I try hard to avoid this response in general, but a person can only take so much. For some reason his uncanny ability to choose the worst part of my sleep cycle seems to play an important role in whether this response gets evoked. I'm probably giving him some awful Freudian fear of itches this way, but not having slept in 4 years is definitely getting to me. I am, by the way, a person who really needs both exercise and sleep. I used to get huge amounts of both, and now get rather less of each than is probably healthy for me.