My son has always had trouble falling asleep and he seems to need less sleep than I do. It helps a little when he reads, but he still hears things outside and wonders what could be making the noise, he can't get comfortable enough to fall asleep, and he doesn't like being alone in the dark and says he needs a night light, but then he puts the blanket over his head. He wants to talk to us and would keep this up for hours if we let him. If I get up in the middle of the night, he wakes up and is right there and wants to know if I am okay. Sleeping in the same tent with him at scout camp is not fun. It is either too hot or too cold. He can't tune out the sound of the coyotes howling or the sound of the wind in the trees and the thought that a spider or wasp might be in our tent. He sometimes dozes off at about 4 a.m. but then he is up with the others at the crack of dawn.