This is what we call a feature, not a bug.

My ds8 seemed to never sleep, but, really he just never slept unless I was there, and I mean right there. This was until about 2.5, but maybe I coddled too much. I think he might have a bit of 'gerd', but other than that I think he just wanted to be around us...
Back in the days of $1 gas, we used to drive him around to get him down for a nap. (sorry ozone layer...) We could hardly ever successfully transfer him from car seat to crib, though. It seemed like the minute you let go of him, he'd feel the temperature change or something and wake up. My sister later suggested a sheepskin for this..I think they sell them at ikea now. Another thing you need is a very tall stack of good kids books to get you through the night. Singing always seemed to just keep him up longer, maybe the books did too...

Also, when they are going through intense developmental stages it can get worse: sitting up in the middle of the night to sing the abcs. But in the end it's all fun.

My dd2 is doing better than ds did. Maybe I'm better at this, now. She is a better napper and will even go down by herself, but she still loves to be up when I am up, even if that means 5:15 am.