Thanks Grinity,

New school year for all starts next kids enter new grade then. My son would have to either have Year 7 (next year)in a new school, then move on to High School (Year 8) the next year, at another new school; or grade skip straight to high school (Year 8) next year.

He has lost all confidence this year in his abilities, and is scared of a grade skip. He too wants to "straighten his teacher out" next year, and thinks he can win her around and change her! They are both as stubborn as each other I say, and she will not change. Well, he won't either.

I am still not keen on 2 school changes over the next 2 years. Over the years, he has struggled socially at school at times, and takes a long time to form friendships. At the moment I am leaning towards somehow trying to home school him next year, then into high school the year after. However, I will talk to the head teacher at the current school first. The teacher in charge of "behaviour management" in the middle school has talked to my son recently (my son gets on well with him by the way), and said that he believes that "the home teacher is contributing to the situation" (hallelejah!), and he was planning to talk to her about it (he witnessed one of the recent screaming incidents at my son in the hall). So, I will give the school a chance to make some kind of move for next year.

However, the homeschool option is becoming the fallback option, as a skip to 8, although a good option, is very unlikely to occur.

