
I am a newbie here having just found this forum, which seems to have some great resources and knowledgeable posters!

I feel like I am going crazy ATM with the school situation of my DS11 HG+. The messages I have been receiving are like in the blog. He is rude, disruptive, argumentative, etc. He has been on "behaviour management" which has (as I predicted) been useless. His teacher this year wants to have him again next year, so she can "get somewhere with him" with compliance.

No educational accomodations have been put in place as he is "showing no signs of advanced ability" on the class assigned tasks. There is no G/T program. They feel there are no problems academically (he scores in top 1/4), but that he is just a selfish, rude child with (I guess) terrible parenting.

Go back 2 years, to school with soft GT program, and cluster grouping, he was doing OK. Teacher said he was a great kid, and liked him.

His current teacher dislikes him, and me, I can feel it in her conversations/emails.

Last week she screamed at him outside the classroom "Why don't you respect me!!!" at the top of her voice. He replied "I can't respect someone who doesn't like me". This sent her into a rage, and straight to the headmistress, who banned him from attending a school trip he was really looking forward to.

Now, my questions for you........I am going in to bat for him (yet again) to receive some differentiation next year, in the hope it will improve his classroom behaviour. Is there any research I can show to support the need for advanced work for a HG+ child, even though he is not coming "top of the class" ?(I have his WISC report).............do kids like this ever become "compliant"? Sometimes I just wish he would sit and not yell out answers and "inappropriate" comments in class, but he is who he is.

His GP now feels he has depression, and I can't help but think that it could be related to the whole school situation.

Homeschooling is not an option for me, as a single mum, and I really would like him to stay at this school one more year, as it is then time for HS, and I don't want 2 school moves.

Has anyone had any success in dealing with a situation such as this?

Thanks for taking the time to read,
