Does High School attendence usually start in Feb for you, or would he be joining kids who had already been in high School for half a year?

It is great that he has friends. DH and I were also in a position where we had to trade friends for 'reasonable accademic fit' and at that point it was far from a sure thing. Finally I said look: We are the kind of people who believe that socally is fully as important as academic development, as in 50/50, right? So far he's done well socially and had 0% in the academic/work habit development area - so I guess that means we make the change.

Wow that was scary. And yes, the social fit at the new school didn't gel. Luck for him, he could switch back to the public system and now seems to be having a wonderful time. Part of me knew that with my DS it's a numbers game. I mean, how many 12 year olds love 'Magic the Gathering' cards, Dongeons and Dragons, frisbee,classic rock and Chess? Even though the kids at the private school were smarter on average than the kids at the public school, sheer numbers help him find kids who share similar interests. (I think)

The kids at the private school just didn't like to play his games. Sometimes it is said that 'MG is as different from PG as MG is from ND.' While this statement reveals a totally lack of understanding of statistics, there is a ring of emotional truth to it in our situation. My hope is that his friends don't mostly flee to private for high school!

I guess I would ask for the skip from every school you can find. I still think that the homeroom teacher is poison and must be avoided. Even public without the skip may be an improvement. Perhaps you can talk to a few of the friend's parents and get them to bolt with you. Witnessing the harshness of the teacher towards your son can be as or more damaging than being on the recieving end. It makes a deep impression.

I remember DS begging to go to school in 4th with a running tape recorder to document that a particular kids was taunting him when no one believed him. Nothing ever came of it. But I wonder if a few children banded together social pressure might be exerted. Still, my gut says: Why pay for this kind of experience?

Does your local public school do 'subject accelerations?' At least when you start your phone call you can mention the 'HD' and see if that opens any doors.

Best Wishes,

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