I'm too much of a theoretical/optimistic thinker, I guess. I just keep thinking that somewhere out there is a solution to gifted education. Some body of research will suddenly be found that will make everyone say "Ah ha!", and immediately support these HG+ kids. So please allow me my delusions.
At least for a few more years

I'm beginning to think there is a solution for HG/PG. The further into this journey we go, the more individualized education seems to be the only reasonable solution. Technology easily supports this as a realistic and viable option. Each kid is different so the level of how much IE they get is adjusted accordingly.

I don't think there is any body of research that solves the problem yet, so it's each of us on our own to figure it out with our own child. I hope that doesn't sound like a downer, I don't mean it that way.

I wouldn't have gotten this far without internet communication and all of the likeminded thought going on around here. It's taken me a while to get to a place where I can get comfortable with doing some unconventional things concerning my childrens' education. Hey, just cause it's unconventional doesn't mean it's wrong.

Coming back to the topic, I do believe there are more than a few teachers who can't stand super smart kids. Some kids aren't affected, some kids are very much harmed. I don't think there is a broad solution that can rectify it. As a parent I can't change the teacher's attitude, but I can protect my child from a harmful situation if it is occurring. Honestly, the younger the child the more aggressively I would protect them from this situation.