Hello. I am new here. From Denmark and have 2 gifted children - both sons. I am very soon going crazy!!!
I have been making a school here in the city we live for theese children - but my sons are too old for that school.
But now I stand before a wall - for the 12 th. time, I think...
I have chosen an ordinary school for my sons because I have got a job far away at the country - and I called them before summer and explained how my sons are. But now I see/I feel at my sons they dont want to go to school - they do not find children like themselves. But here in this little country there are no possibilies - just take what they give you including all the negative feelings of humiliations..
One of my sons have a big wish to go to USA with all the possibilities for educations and work. But I want to know what you do for your gifted children in America???
Do you have schools for them? Do you have to pay for them?
What kind of schools are good? Let me know more of how far you have come in that very good country. Love Hebrony.