Originally Posted by Jool
This makes me think about the whole speed/accuracy balance. Could it be that when he is not fully engaged, his attention wavers but he does not sacrifice accuracy for speed? So while some kids (like my DS6) would show his inattention to boring homework by rushing through it and ending up with sloppy work and careless mistakes. Part of it is my DS's inattention to the boring stuff, and part of it is his (Type A-ish, rushy) personality. So maybe because of your DS's personality (not a kid on New York time) your DS manifests the same issue (lack of full focus to the boring task) as slowness vs. carelessness.
Of course we know all of this is just speculation, but if anything is going to nail him down with the info. you have, it's going to me your speculation and hunches as his mom smile.


I would agree that he does not sacrifice accuracy for speed. Yes, that all seems right. For example, he doesn't usually miss problems on his timed math tests, but he won't finish the page in time.

I think you nailed it, Jool! (With no thanks to me and my muddled thinking on this! wink )
