I just met a IRL mom, who early enteranced her kid, and was curious about our "frank" gradeskip. She said her mother told her "you don't want your kids to be Geniuses - it's too difficult!" I said -
a) Geniuses are people who achieve something, we are talking about children here!
b) It's not a question of what kind of child you wanted - it's a question of what kind of child you got!

She laughed.

I find that the first 5 things that come out of a person's mouth after the subject of giftedness comes up are best forgotten. Usually then are half formed things that someone else believed. Once the other person's brain starts thinking for themselves, adults are usually very thoughful and supportive.

I know it seems like you don't have any time, but - really - what are the priorities? How bad are things? How desperate are you?

the point isn't to win giftogenic parent points - the point is to observe, self-educate, and put a provisional plan into action.

((I made up the word giftogenic parent - to refer to us, the parents of gifted kids, who ourselves may or may not be gifted.))

I strongly believe that you should advocate for your child out of fairness. Every kid deserves to be well thought about. Whatever his future accomplishments, he deserves a reasonable shot at an appropriate education now.

Love and More Silliness,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com