We are also mean. In our house there are no computer games on weekdays, and on weekends only if they have completed their homework. And yes, my DS11 is crazy about Runescape. We do not even own Game Cube or Playstation. It's just computer, but trust me, even on weekends it can get crazy.
As far as CC classes, or even University (we live five minutes from one), I honestly do not know how to find time? I am a stay at home mom 80% of the time, so after school time is totally devoted to my kids (and later in the evening my husband :-),but time is such a precious gem. Our kids play violin and piano, so we are talking here about daily practice, cross country right after school 2 X weekly , time for family dinner, homework, some reading just for pleasure - and the day is gone. Plus, my son never asks me for more "academic" activities after school. That's were my frustration is...he just does not realize how "brainy" he is, does not realize that he has to nurture that brain of his becasue otherwise it will just go to waste.
Last year during the talent search he scored highest in the region in math and he scored highest in our state in LA, despite the fact that we do not use english at home, not at all! (we take advantage of the fact that both my husband and I are fluent in another language, so we decided to use that language exclusively at home - it's easy for all of us, we just switch into english when we leave the house).
My husband says occasionally that I should let our DS be just a normal kid and not worry so much about him. But he is not normal, he does not behave normal, and if left to himself, I truly believe that, his talents would just go to waste. I strongly believe that I should advocate for him, maybe one day he will be on the team that discovers a cure for cancer! I just wish it wasn't so frustrating....