Originally Posted by Kriston
"One of the things that we found was that the isolation of the parents almost parallels the isolation of the kids," Professor Gross said. "Many parents said, 'We can't speak about our child because people think you're boasting.'"

Oh yes, this is so true. I try not to talk about DS6 abilities too much. My friends know that he is gt. Things like that become quite obvious after a while. What's becoming an issue now is DS4. While it's pretty much accepted that DS6 can do lots of things better than his 6 year old friends, it may be really hard for my friends to accept that DS4 can do a few things better than their 6 year olds.

I have a question about DYS and gt groups. If you are a member of gt community do you talk about your child being YS? Is it something which is OK with parents of MG children? I haven't really got into this situation yet. My IRL friends are either old friends who I haven't known since DS6 was little or in preschool or parents of HG+ children. I am about to venture into more regular gt community and I could use some advice.
