Hi parents, I'm new here. Glad I found it and found this thread. The very reason that I went online and searched for a gifted forum is exactly what this thread is talking about: I just can't talk about my kids with other parents. If they talk about their kids achievement at parties it's alright, if I mention my kids I can actually feel the uneasiness among other parents. And I don't brag! I just reported facts like what activities they were doing. So I just don't talk about my kids anymore. And on our local parenting forum (our town actually has very good schools and a well-educated population), any mention of "giftedness" by anyone would attract negative comments instantly. But how many people actually want to brag about their kids' giftedness? For me, I often only feel desperate and helpless when I look at my son's school situation, which was simply miserable last year and only a bit better this year. But of course I can't even talk about my frustration and my son's frustrations with anyone because that could also be taken as bragging. Then on the other hand anyone can talk about how good his/her kids are at basketball or tennis without getting looks.

Last edited by playandlearn; 11/14/08 12:31 PM.