I definitely come across as too intense much of the time, but I'm not sure if in my case it's really a symptom of being gifted as much as being... uh... intense. wink It probably doesn't help that I talk about a mile a minute (when I'm on a roll...) and change subjects at the drop of a hat.

I don't always find "people like me", but I've found enough who laugh at my jokes that I'm good for now.... I don't really need my friends to keep up with my train of thought all the time, but when people completely miss the point of whatever I'm saying (or especially if they miss the humor and only hear the rant), it gets tiresome having to spell it out in little words. LOL!! and lest I come across as an intellectual snob here, it doesn't seem to be an issue of "gifted" as much as "having a sense of humor" that makes the difference. My brother for instance... brilliant in his area, but gets that deer in headlights look when I'm blithering on and on.
