Originally Posted by BWBShari
Here is what I don't understand........ If you have a "regular" child who does well in school, it's ok to talk about.

If you attach the gifted label, it's like they have the plague or something. I've made the decision to be honest about my DS and if people never talk to me again, so be it. I will not boast but if asked a question, i'll answer it.

I can't believe that people are so threatened by these kids! They should be celebrated! Instead the general population worships people who can throw a ball or hit a home run. It's no wonder the U.S. is losing out to other countries.

By putting your head in the sand aren't you somehow telling your DS or DD that there is something wrong with them?

Sorry if this is not copied correctly. I am new to this. I have read many of the boards over the past few days and can identify with so much of it. But I have to admit that I am one of the ones who has put her head in the sand, so as to not "rock the boat". Even by choosing to keep a low profile, a lot of parents still have a competitive attitude with me and with my child. In the last six months I knew I had to change, as I could see the damage being done within my own family. The "do not talk about her", "pretend it did not happen", "make excuses", "don't make a big deal out of it" had become a way of life. It was also evident that my DD14 was really beginning to wonder why we did not celebrate her accomplishments. I guess we learned early on in a small community and with family that you did not share anything about her or you would be looked upon as a bragger, others would be competitive with her, etc. There have been many along the way who have tried to tear her down or prove she is not smart. I guess you just learn to survive and keep it within your own core family, but even that was hard, as she has a younger sister who we have always thought as a normal, outgoing child, but now I wonder if she is GT, but we never identified her because her sister is very GT. Sorry, so many feelings coming out, as I am now trying to celebrate my DD14 for who she is and trying to support her.