A few thoughts on self-esteem, which may be of interest to gifted adults who may be struggling...

1) Mayo Clinic - free advice and list of steps to consider taking:

2) Psychology Today:
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/...01703/8-steps-improving-your-self-esteem (2017)
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/self-esteem
Originally Posted by excerpt from article
Signs of Strong Self-Esteem
The confident person is easily spotted and commands attention. But there's a healthy balance between too little and too much self-worth. Here are some signs that an individual has the right dose.
- Knows the difference between confidence and arrogance
- Is not afraid of feedback
- Does not people-please or seek approval
- Is not afraid of conflict
- Is able to set boundaries
- Is able to voice needs and opinions
- Is assertive, but not pushy
- Is not a slave to perfection
- Is not afraid of setbacks
- Does not fear failure
- Does not feel inferior
- Accepts who they are
3) National Association of Self-Esteem:
- https://healthyselfesteem.org/lessons-activities/self-esteem-lesson-plan/

4) TED:
- https://ideas.ted.com/5-ways-to-build-lasting-self-esteem/
- https://www.ted.com/talks/guy_winch_why_we_all_need_to_practice_emotional_first_aid

Unifying themes among these various resources may include both resilience, and dignity of all persons (avoid seeking a pecking order and developing a "kiss up, kick down" attitude.)