I can relate a bit! My 2 (almost 3) year old is a master tantrummer. DS11 is intensely stubborn and passive aggressive and ADHD. He is home from school today because he chose to pull passive power yesterday and waste 4 hours not doing a chore and didn't get the rest of his stuff done (music practice, homework, basic hygiene, pack a lunch) even though he was up until midnight. Oh my. Children are so overwhelming!

DS11 (DS10 earlier in thread, birthday happened) asked to be homeschooled today. LMAO! Because he has spent >10 hours on his math assignment and I have to watch him continuously? That will make me want to homeschool him?!

Uggh, I have so much work I can't get done today because of him. I can leave the room or even go around a corner! Missed my dentist appointment today because of him. Might keep him home from school again tomorrow to help with the chores that need doing. I need to have my house and barn clean(ish) by tomorrow night for appraisal photos. Can't get that done when I can't move because of an intensely stubborn child.

These kids are tough. It helps to talk about their intensity. Eases the crushing loneliness of parenting outliers.