Thank you, all, for your helpful advice and insight! Doing this parenting thing truly is a day by day process (or attempt for survival...haha :), and I�m learning to be satisfied with little bounds of progress here and there - rather than expecting a sort of perfection all at once.

Our almost two year old - our only little girl until baby arrives in August - is one of the most intense of the bunch, wailing and crying until she gets what she wants, when she wants it...! Our adopted four year old likely has severe ADHD, earning himself stitches last year, and gifting a few to our five year old yesterday after hurling a light saber at his face. Our oldest is also extremely intense, and his tics are currently at an all time high. (We�re not sure whether he could have Tourette�s, or if his overexcitabilities are manifesting themselves partially through tics...) I have a deep need to analyze everything, while at the same time am becoming overwhelmed by all of the stimuli I�m constantly engulfed in...

Not trying to throw a pity party for myself - I hope I�m not coming off that way! It sometimes just helps to air out my head a bit, whether or not my musings are worth a reply or not. smile