Originally Posted by George C
If it makes you feel any better, I called the testing psych after we got our results back for DS. I was insisting that there must have been some kind of mistake, and she laughed...quite a while...then assured me that this wasn't the case.

OMG. I just called the Gifted Development Center in CO last week and discussed the same thing. She laughed, too, when I asked if it could be falsely elevated. She said- No, but it could be falsely depressed. When she told me they deal w/ kids in this range all the time b/c these are the parents that seek them out, I got teary. So much of this is still so overwhelming. It's like- Okay parent, so your kid will either cure cancer or drop out of school and suffer from depression, all depends on whether or not you can get your stuff together. No pressure. lolol Gah, I need a drink and to get out of my head.