Originally Posted by Arrw09
George C we've had a few say the same. It seems like I'm the one having the biggest time accepting the level. But I keep reading and hopefully it will subside soon.
It should. Though it might take you a few more months. smile

If it makes you feel any better, I called the testing psych after we got our results back for DS. I was insisting that there must have been some kind of mistake, and she laughed...quite a while...then assured me that this wasn't the case.

Originally Posted by Arrw09
I'm still figuring out all the terminology. I don't know if she's considered PG or highly gifted or even how big of a difference it is.
There isn't really standard terminology, though there does appear to be consensus that scoring 145 or higher on a modern IQ test lands you firmly in the PG range. From a practical perspective, individual needs will vary so greatly that differentiating between HG/EG/PG is probably not very useful. It's best to follow each child's needs and be ready to do things that aren't typically age appropriate.