Thank you all. This is all helpful.

Brilliantcp thank you for a tip - as she gets higher in her reading levels I'll be sure to pre-read or maybe check commonsensemedia and make sure it's appropriate content. I hadn't considered that but considering I don't even want to show her half of the cartoon movies that come out these days, it's a good idea.

George C we've had a few say the same. It seems like I'm the one having the biggest time accepting the level. But I keep reading and hopefully it will subside soon.

I'm still figuring out all the terminology. I don't know if she's considered PG or highly gifted or even how big of a difference it is. I only now know they no longer use the "genius" designation in official circles. The neuropsych mentioned the Davidson Institute and looking at the services provided if admitted to the DYS, I think it'd be wise to take advantage of that. The online community and the individual consulting are particularly appealing.

The possible ADHD - yes if she gets enough sleep, exercise, and stays away from screens she's much better. Better yet when she gets enough mental stimulation. I was surprised at her working memory and processing speeds b/c we have suspected ADHD, but who knows? The tester did say there were a couple times when it seemed she almost didn't hear her asking questions and she suspects our daughter wasn't "playing" her, so it's not ruled out.

The stigma of being labeled "gifted" haunted my childhood. I was ostracized b/c I skipped a grade, then stood out even more being pulled out for higher level things. I went from a comfortable bubble w/ lots of friends (albeit some behavioral issues that led to the gifted eval) to a group of kids I didn't know but who all knew why I was there and didn't like it. I worry about things like that for my daughter, particularly w/ her quirks. In the next few years, it seems, kids start to be more judgmental and possibly cruel. I just don't want to screw her up. I want her to continue to learn and most of all be happy.

I've started reading more about the DYS application stuff. So this is really dicey it seems? We need a portfolio or an achievement test?