smile welcome to the club.

I remember the stunned shock when we first got DS's results 4 years ago. I coped by researching. I read every gifted book in the local library, combed through and hung out here. Eventually all of this helped me put things into perspective and it became just a clue to the puzzle that is parenting for us. Over time we guessed that his first set of scores were actually a low estimate. We eventually had to retest to sort out LD stuff and then came round two of stunned shock. This time because I had a much better idea of exactly what the scores actually meant and that freaked me out even more than the first round did when I was clueless, haha.

Now you'd think after all of this I would have learned but no.... we tested DD a year ago and somehow still managed to react with stunned shock.

So yeah, a period of disbelief sound totally normal to me. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. smile