Helpful post Pemberley.

It is stark. S1 needs 1:1 support to do a 6-question math worksheet. Might take 30 mins. But then will spend 45 minutes researching and meticulously building a museum exhibition out of paper towel tubes and tape and computer paper about, say, ocean life, including diagrams about life at different depths, food chain, "cutaway views" of example sea life, submersibles used for exploration all with (yes, misspelled, but copious) labels.

Bluntly saying, hey bud, that's great but THIS (worksheet) is what you have to do. I did it. Your dad did it. Your brother does it. School is school. Well, it does not work.

I can weave homework in via his interests, but no way are they going to do this in school. And anyway, isn't this coddling?

Ross Greene is the only thing that is helping me cope as a parent.

But even there, what ARE my child's skills? What IS he capable of? Is the task refusal LD? Anxiety? Attentional deficit? Bad parenting (coddling)? All of the above? What should I do?

The psychiatrist says meds (prozac) but he refuses and fears "losing control of his mind" and despite multiple reassuring conversations with parents, and 3x with CBT therapist - won't budge.

The psychologist says SN school (but then they all reject him for behaviors).

A parent will say homeschool (but what if that makes things worse? What if I burn out? And what about S2 who needs me too? What about my career and our HHI?)

Exhausted, reeling, confused.