Thank you, aeh. I agree completely.

I think it's good to avoid generalizing. Some people are very smart and very quick. Some aren't. Labeling people ("quick and sloppy") honestly doesn't help.

Perhaps misunderstandings about high processing speed are similar to misunderstandings about high IQ. I'm HG+ and have very fast processing speed. This trait doesn't mean that I rush through tasks. It just means that I can see something, get it into my brain, interpret it, and respond faster than most other people. Examples include a quick reaction when the red light changes to green while simultaneously checking for red light runners and knowing the color of the next light and the likelihood of its changing before I get to it, being able to see a path through a traffic jam, or being able to calculate quickly. It doesn't mean that I rush through work while relying on "fast processing" to compensate, as implied by quick and sloppy.

In fact, I have a tendency to check the veracity of things I read rather than being sloppy and accepting things.

OP: your child is still very young. Could part of the problem just be that she's a little kid who doesn't really want to sit still? Schools these days expect a lot more from kids than they used to, in ways that aren't necessarily realistic. My eldest was accused of having ADHD by a kindergarten teacher who didn't realize that he was fidgeting because he could read chapter books and she was teaching about the letter "b." This is a real problem for many HG+ kids.

Last edited by Val; 11/16/16 02:22 PM.