Well, here some things from my experience. In my eyes ADD/ADHD is pure psuedo science, much as drapetomania. You need a label for where society fails to meet the needs of an individual person.

Nearly every gifted person I've met who has been professionally accessed via an IQ test has scored low or very low in processing. In my case I scored in the 0.25 percentile of the population, despite having scores in other area in the 99.95 percentile. The psychologist thought I had done it intentionally, saying he has never seen such a low score expect on those who are profoundly delayed or retarded developmentally.

But if you ask me any person who is truly gifted will score low in processing speed. The gifted brain examines everything under an electron microscope ingesting and processing all data by default taking its time to meticulously examine all of it. You can do it quick and sloppy, or take your time and do it right so to speak. Remember, anything the requires intense mental concentration be it drawing the blueprints up to a skyscraper or investigating a complex crime takes time just because there is so much to work with, and all of it must be checked/rechecked as to assure its correct. Same happens in one of those tests. Speed is sacrificed for quality. Also one must bear in mind the tests themselves are more for average than gifted. Many have theorized the lower or higher the IQ the more likely the test will not be accurate.

This does not exactly prove my point, but its worth reading imho:


Personally If I was in your shoes Id try and get the school to accept your daughter and work with her, provided she enjoying going there and like the environment.