I won't get into the Montessori debate--we've had it here enough times that you can search for it and read what's been said in the past.

I'll just say that the usual conclusion that the majority comes to here is that the *individual* teacher and school and *whether they get your child or not* makes a lot more difference that having the label of any particular method, including Montessori. Some Montessori schools are fantastic! Some are just as rigid and difficult as the place you're at now, AM. The only way to tell if it will be a good fit for your child is to visit and ask questions. And even then, you can't always tell.

Definitely look at Montessori, but I'd say you should look at other programs, too, if you're intending to switch programs. A play-based half-day program at a church or other private provider can be a great fit, too...depending on the *individual* teacher and school and *whether they get your child or not*, of course! That's always what it comes down to!

