Thanks. I think I am somewhat overwhelmed with the concept of homeschooling. Part of me believes he would thrive, but I know at a certain point I will need greater resources. I feel like you get things together and ah hah I've done it. I'm ahead for a minuter and then not so quick mom, and it is time to start digging again. It would allow catering to his style more, he seems very visual-spatial. He loves learning through manipulation, discovery, and investigation. It is like he is in a trance if something is new and it is on the TV or the computer. He tries to memorize and learning it as fast as possible, so he can repeat it all back to you. The computer is a majors tool in our home, since it works so well for him.
It seems the younger age group can be more difficult with options sometimes. When he is closer to 4th grade, so many more external options open up it seems. I'm sure some agree the library is a tremendous help. I know I suck everything out of it possible.