I stopped working a year ago, to focus on facilitating his learning more. It had gotten to the point that I needed to stop to keep up and now a year later I feel I am drowning a bit again. I can't emphasis resources enough. I just keep finding more information and things to expose him to and it is amazing the overall growth. He just wants more,

Right there is perfectly good and reasonable comment to justify homeschooling. I also have a similar story with Pre-k and K as you and the others. I thought that I would be sending a bad message by pulling her out repetetively. And that she had to learn to adjust to a situation that was not perfect or totally optimum. I still feel that way, but have learned that a full day at school was an innapropriate environment to have her learn this. I should have pulled her earlier and provided these opportunites in other venues. Whatever you decide, good luck.
Even with the damage that was done to youngest over two years, she is in front of me right now acting like her total litte self and very happy. I don't see any long term negative effects, per se, I think the kids are so resillient at this age. A calm decision is always better than one made out of fear and panic.
