Once again I appreciate all the stories, because it is those perspectives that the majority of people around us do not seem to be aware of or understand. We are planning today what to do tommorrow and on down the road. Our decision for now is reaffirmed with what he said this morning. While eating breakfeast this morning he said, I'm sad today. I asked him if he knew what was making him sad. He said, because of Mrs. >>>(his teacher). He tells me that she is "cross" with him and yells about how it isn't playtime, but then she takes us to the playground (mixed message?). He continues to go on about all the things she tells the students not to do, and how he is sitting on a bench alone. I have heard her LOUDLY say "It isn't playtime get a book and sit down on the rug." Personally I read into this message, because what a way to start of killing a love of books. Some kids think of reading as play. However, or son sees most play and calls it his work, but is intense, focused, and perpetually seeking learning oppurtunities
We are trying, process started last week, to get into a group of psychologists and developmental ped, so we can approach it from that angle. We want to understand if there is anything else we are unaware of and how to help him the most. It is all about helping , understanding, and working with him.
We have had someone suggest that we might look into asperger's, OCD, and/or ADHD because of some behaviors. It just seems that there can be definite overlap in some of his behaviors with these disorders, however his behaviors can be strictly GT as well. It does not matter to me. My son is my son and he is who he is, you just want to understand.
One thought is the idea of going back for at least one more day for observation. I don't know the damage that could cause, if we would gain much, or if he would behave to differently. Obviously I would watch his behavior, the teachers, the other students, and the interactions between the individuals. Maybe I could see something that is not working for him, so we don't repeat our mistakes. I completly agree with Master Of None. We must keep looking, learning, and trying to understand.