Ok only since you asked but this is just my opinion.

I would send him back. To do otherwise says - if you don't like something you just don't show up. Plus with so little time spent, you probably aren't 100% on what his issue is. It is possible that once some of the kids in class get into a groove he'll find his place. Now mind you, I view sending him to another school an option but I would switch schools. Not "quit" one and then find one and then start. You know. Might just be me.

I think the "all kids test high" is a pile of crap. our all gt charter school struggled to get enough kids in the door because at least half of the kids would miss the cut off. yes, i think a lot of kids score high at that age -- because the testing is parent directed - we are seeking it. ug, that was a silly thing to tell you.

If you are turning 5 in oct - have you thought about early entrance - albeit I know not as popular with the boys as the girls. or private K?

No matter how fabulous our kids are they still need to follow the rules. I'd give it a college try for a week while looking into openings in other programs... and if it doesn't shape up - move to another program.

Just one opinion.