DS13 just recently began to resist having an opinion about certain things, this year. In his case, I think he wants to control his "brand." What I mean is--he doesn't feel safe expressing himself and doesn't trust people with his personal information. Case in point: he had to write an opinion piece and didn't want to discuss anything political, even though he is quite engaged in current events.

Whether you frame it as lacking sufficient data (which could be interpreted as a fear of looking ignorant or making the wrong moral/ethical choice) or agonizing about a menu item (fear of making an irrevocable choice, altering destiny), I understand all of these examples as anxiety-driven to varying degrees.

Also, it seems like some of it is inflexibility. I prompt DS with: pretend you have a solid opinion and take it from there. That doesn't always work. Or ever. :P

What really stresses ME out, is those %#{*^+ security questions that insist you have a "favorite"...anything. Do people really have this many favorites? How?

(I think that is related. I don't know how. My favorites are always context-specific.)

Spaghetti-I bet it is easier for fakers to get hired. I wonder about career success and longevity, though.