Originally Posted by Irena
Wow so great to have a hockey dad and coach weigh in! I should have known - you being Canadian and all! wink I like your advice!
Happy it helped. Just to further encourage the Canadian stereotype that EVERYONE plays hockey - I'm actually a hockey mom/player wink

One of the many reasons that we sign our kids up for sports is that there is always a challenge to be had. I personally have learned more on the ice/field about hard work, dedication, taking criticism, never giving up, teamwork, etc than I did in a classroom and as a bonus I managed to have a lot of amazing experiences and friends along the way. I have no expectations that my kids will be superstars - my main goal is that they are still playing/doing *something* when they're my age that keeps them active and makes them happy. Maybe it will be hockey, maybe not, but either way I figure that learning to push themselves and being willing to try new things are key to eventually figuring that out for themselves.