Update: I got a call from the school psychologist and I'm feeling optimistic. She agreed that his writing is a problem and it is affecting him academically. They are going to start RTI, which I believe they have to do as a first step. She said the interventions they will do during RTI are likely very similar to what would happen if he gets an IEP. So I'm happy with that, I don't care what they call it, I'm just so happy that they finally see what I'm talking about and they are going to do something. She said that she will do a visual motor test also during her assessment.

This is so much better than talking to the school RN that was my first contact. She just kept repeating "your son will never qualify for services."

Thank you to everyone for your support. Aeh, your reply was so helpful, I can't thank you enough. As a lay person, I didn't know what to ask for... what you suggested got the ball moving, which I had been unable to do by myself.