aeh, I know the good GPs and peds are out there somewhere, but unfortunately I have not found them. At this point, with only one under age 18, I am just waiting to be done with pediatricians. I laugh at some stuff - such as CHOP inviting middle kid to be in a study of children who will end up as adults of short stature based upon her height as an 11 year old (she is now 5'-5", which is hardly tall, but considerably more than 4'-10" to be considered short stature). I am still angry and want my youngest to pursue legal action against the one pediatrician (since she has until the age of 20 to do so) for refusing treatment/referral, with the result of permanent facial disfigurement.

As far as the OP, I learned from experience with my youngest that if you think you need to see a specialist, do it. If you think a certain test/evaluation might be needed, insist that the ped or GP orders it. If they won't, try the Urgent Care (but might not work as well with ASD as with ordering blood tests).

As for potty training, whenever the kid is ready is fine, whether it is prior to age 2 or closer to age 4. I don't think the age of potty training has much to do with IQ. I thought middle kid would be going to college in diapers, and she is the brightest of my three kids.