From our last two appointments, I've gotten the feeling that my "concerns" or questions about DS(18mos)'s eccentricities to his Pedi have been largely brushed off. I asked her when we'd start to notice OCD or ASD and told her I was a little concerned about DS showing signs. Such as: He does NOT like things out-of-place or dirty. He picks up wrappers in the park, throws them away, he recycles & throws away garbage at home. He puts his plates, bottles, cups in the sink. He turns off lights and closes doors when he leaves a room (or he'll go back and do it), puts his toys back, picks up dirty laundry(none of this has been taught). He will throw a fit if he can't accomplish his tasks. Anyways, when I asked, she said I shouldn't worry about it - everything sounded normal for his age.
Normal? Seriously? Is it normal for a baby to demand to practice walking with assistance from 6 months and only crawl for like a week? Is it normal for this same baby to reliably sign multiple baby signs at 5 months with just one or two contextual exposures? Is it normal to be signing well and understanding almost all adult conversation in English and Spanish at 18 months? Is it normal that we've had to change baby safety locks on our cabinets three times (and finally gave up)? This kid, at 14 months, said "want down please" clear as day. He somehow knows the alphabet and numbers to 6. He plays jokes and tries to fool us. He actually plays the piano by sound. Anyways, you get the gist.
When talking to his doctor at a follow-up just over a month ago, she was saying we needed to schedule his 18 month appointment to check his milestones. I told her I wasn't worried about any milestones and we could just do it that day and my DH followed-up saying "we can, he's already surpassed what most 24 month olds can do." He wasn't bragging, just being practical and honest. She looked at us like we were crazy and replied with something like she'd like to wait until he was a full 18 months to assess since we'd expressed concerns for OCD/ASD in June. He will be 19 months and I feel like she's still going to be writing us off as THOSE parents - who think their kid is golden. She said not to even worry about potty training him until he's 3. I wanted to tell her, he's already started showing signs (literally and figuratively) but I didn't say anything. He'll be potty trained before he's two if I had to guess. He's already been evaluated by Cognitive and Developmental Psychologists, had an fMRI, PET scan, and EEG (for infant/toddler cognition research). We know he's precocious, but I don't know how to get her to take us seriously. We really want him to be referred to a child psychologist for speculation of OCD/ASD and ways to help him cope or work with him. I'm not wanting her to tell me that he's too young or I don't know what I'm talking about. Tips from those that have been there? Does this warrant switching Pediatricians?