AvoCado and Cookie, I agree with your frustration. They may be calling that a student led conference, but its mislabeled because a true student led conference should add value, not subtract. I can understand your frustration. Have you considered doing some research on what an effective student led conference should "look" like (i.e..the leadership model) and present it at the PTA meeting (I say the PTA meeting because at our PTA meeting the principal is usually present, plus a teacher representative from every grade level). I would try to turn the ship around. I know it seems like an uphill battle and like you can't fight city hall, but someone has to be the voice of reason. What is the famous quote: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Until they implement some actual structure and productivity, then I would also be frustrated with that type of conference and would probably not be likely to want to attend.