I'm going to repeat a part of a response i made earlier to Blackcat because i'm not sure if all of my replies are being seen, so i apologise in advance if your getting this twice Backcat.

i did not think that he was twice exceptional for a few reason 1. he has always been somewhat delayed in speech, since he was little, but he always did continue to develop and when we'd asked his pediatrician about it he said that our sone has a big vocabulary its just not the kids of word that contribute to conversation (he was probably two at the time. the dr. said that kids don't get points for some words and not for other and that our son has tons of identifiers. its hard to have a conversation with only identifiers though. 2. our son also has had two older cousins that followed a similar developmental pattern i.e. late speech development but early signs of giftedness. one of whom was misdiagnosed as an autistic and in third grade they said he'd "grown out of it" his other cousin was not diagnosed with anything but eventually also evened out with her peers in communication. both kids are highly intelligent and probably gifted but attend regular school. 3. we'd never heard of twice exceptional, we thought yes, his speech is delayed but holly molly look how smart he is... he'll eventually catch up in the areas he's lagging in - he's just "developing unevenly" which was another thing we were being told.

so now I don't know, i'm wondering. my concern is that my choices are to bring him to a tester that specializes in 2E so that he gets the kid of testing that is appropriate for a potentially gifted child with speech delays and possibly by doing so shine a spot light on his idiosyncrasies and basically ask for a diagnosis that i don't think is really fitting at this time, based on his cousins developing out of this stage. OR taking him to a tester that doesn't specialize in 2Es and run the risk of him being tested with out the consideration of his speech delay. Any advice on those two concerns??

before this post id not even considered having him tested again, i didn't even know there were different kinds of tests. i thought that the school we took him to to be tested last year was the end of the conversation and that, the tests said he's not gifted. i was just left wondering - well if he's not gifted why is he doing all of these things? and it was very confusing. so thanks again to everyone who's helping shed some light on this for us.