Hi Londage,

I agree with Marcy. I think you may need to get a psycho educational evaluation. We are just starting the process of getting one done and are currently filling out forms detailing our child's background/interests, strengths and weaknesses. The assessment covers many areas (there are other members on the board who are more familiar with the ins and outs of the tests) but the evaluation will identify your son's strengths and weaknesses and provide insight into where he's at with conversational language. They will provide you with a report when the evaluation is complete. I'm not an expert in the area of IQ tests but where we live, in Canada, we have to have the psychoeducational eval to move forward in the gifted program at our public school board.

A lot of people recommend looking on the Hoagies website for help finding a psychologist that specializes in gifted kids. You might want to start with that site for more info.

From your descriptions your son does sound extremely bright. Do you know what kind of test the charter school administered? What type of score/result they were looking for? Did they offer you any feedback?

"He needs to be young and he needs appropriate academics." I get this sentence. My daughter is the same. She's 6 and reading at a grade 5 level and doing math well beyond her grade one class but likes to play house and pretend to be a dog.

Good luck!