I am coming up with solid ideas for accommodations based on your post. I would love any more accommodation suggestions.

The doctor is not supporting patching. She may prescribe glasses based on her progress. Dd's vision is +.75. I found out yesterday that one eye is handling most of the dynamic vision and the other does the up close focus work.

I found out more about the 504 process in our district. Once I submit a 504 request, the school has 30 days to schedule a meeting and then 60 days from the meeting date to put accommodations in place. So...it could be a short process or a long one depending on the school's response. I have heard from friends at other schools in my district who had a quick response, and others had it drag out for the full three months.
Our former school had a horrible reputation for pushing back on ieps and 504s, which is one of the reason we switched schools.

Is there a thread with accommodation ideas or tips for the 504 process? thanks!