I wouldn't propose the patch as a long-term solution, but just while going through therapy, it sounds like there is some temporary extra stress relating directly to the therapy. I probably wouldn't always put the patch on the same eye, I'd switch back and forth (with DS we always put it on his NORMAL eye because he was developing amblyopia--but that is only an issue with very small kids). It is something I'd ask the eye doctor about and get a professional opinion. You could also try it at home and see what your DD thinks about it helping or not (you can get an eye patch at a pharmacy). When we were going through this I was on a forum with mainly adults who were suffering the same issue (a nerve palsy) and almost all of them were coping with double vision by using a patch, until the nerve healed (or in some cases, didn't heal, in which case the patients had to try other options like surgery, prism glasses, etc).

I asked for DD's 504 to be updated at the very beginning of the school year and we are still waiting...so yes, it can be a time consuming process. Legally, they shouldn't take 6 weeks though.