To my surprise, this post is about my DS7.

DS really has never gotten into trouble with a teacher or at camp in his life. (He was the kid who cleaned out the "Treasure box" in K and 1--I gave the teacher a lot of giftcards!) However, he seems to have a persistent problem at one after-school activity. I think there may be an issue with how the activity is run, but that's neither here nor there because DS really wants to continue it.

The adult in charge has spoken to us several times about DS's behavior being poor and even basically threatened to kick DS out. The behavior described is mild, TBH, but I think the real problem is that DS, like many gifted kids, is 1) a bit of a smart-aleck and 2) focused on accuracy. So, the supervisor might tell DS to "stop kicking the table" and DS would stop, but say "I wasn't kicking it. I accidentally hit it with my knee." (Note--he would not say this if it wasn't true, or most likely not.) DS also is a bit of a clown and this adult is quite serious and not one for "funny kids." An adult with a good handle on gifted kids should be able to handle all this, really (again, no one has ever had a problem with DS in any other setting), but that's not what the situation is and it isn't likely to change.

We have repeatedly explained to DS that many adults really dislike any kind of backtalk and are working on shutting it down at home (we have tendency to ignore it as long as the behavior stops). We've gone over what to do if other kids are getting wild and how to step away from that. We have even worked on a really old-school obedient style ("Yes, sir. I'm sorry. I won't do it again,"), but it's a hard transition for him. At this point, I think we are in real trouble because for whatever reason, this person is not a fan of DS.

Discontinuing is not an option. Any suggestions for us or DS?