Originally Posted by spaghetti
What we did was starting at age 4, we taught about respect every single adult. Even if they are wrong. Even if you don't want to do what they say. Even if what they say is the stupidest thing you ever heard. You need to obey (this referred to her parents too). And after you have at least attempted to obey, you may ask a question for clarification to be sure you understand and be sure your way isn't ok .

Sorry this just made me cringe. Obedience is something you train a dog or an animal to do unquestioningly not a child. Blinded obedience, obeying every single adult - sorry, but yikes. But hey in my inlaws' religion this is not only expected of children it is expected of wives to their husbands... Creepy ... But I digress. I am a proponent however of respect... And I'm joining Eco in the minority - The adult sounds like a douche (and I don't think I've ever used that word before!) sorry I don't have much advice .. I like the idea of you sitting down with guy and talking it out. Good luck!

Last edited by Irena; 09/11/15 08:24 PM.