As many of the kids here, DD10 started school a week and 1/2 ago. She actually has done well bringing home homework and taking it to class. This is AMAZING, but I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's her first year in middle school so she is anxious to do the right thing. I emailed the teachers on the second day to give them the heads up about DD's 504 ADHD accommodations (checking on her planner the end of the day and making sure all work is in the backpack are the ones I am most concerned about). I asked if she could email the homework to class as she had a history of losing it, and stated that I would be asking for that at the upcoming 504 meeting. The only teacher who replied was the one going on maternity leave. So, a couple of questions for you all:

-Coming up is "meet the teacher". Do I bring up the 504 info then? Very little time to do so. If not then, when or should I wait for DD to revert back to losing everything so I can prove my point (she lost her lunch yesterday so didn't get to eat).

-No one is following the 504 at this point. Go to the counselor (she's in charge of 504's)?

-I want the "email in homework" clause in the 504. My fear is that it won't be allowed at this time since she is doing well. Shall I sit on it for awhile?

Thanks in advance!!!