You asked about trouble reading. In what manner? DD tends to read lots of graphic novels or Horrible History books that are well below her reading level. I posted about this before because she stated that all the heavy text in a book without illustrations bothered her. I was going to give her some large font books to see what they were like for her. Her regular eye exams have not indicated any problems.
I thought that I read something about a connection with ADHD and writing challenges. Thanks for mentioning that. I just wonder sometimes about DD. She brings home her agenda, and even she can't read the words. She was famous in grade school for her teeny horrible handwriting (unless she really worked on it). I plan to pull one of her many journals and really look at the handwriting. The journals are mainly stories and illustrations that I can't read which is too bad because her writing is really funny and sarcastic. I can't wait to do the timed handwriting. I will let you know what I find out!