Has my son received support...well not ESE/IEP support...he does have a 504 for extended time.

I just worked with him about translating questions into more acceptable questions for him to tolerate....

Like a paper he turned in blank....why is your middle school the best?

Well his middle school wasn't "the best". So we learned to translate prompts like that into what do you like best about your school/what are three good points about your school? And even use how idiotic that prompt is in the hook....

Our middle school may not be ranked as a top 10 middle school in U.S. News and world reports. Our middle school may be getting a failing grade by the state. Nevertheless, our middle school does many thing right and some things exceptionally right.

Really he is so literal that we have spent years cueing him to "interpret" what someone has just said into something he can handle. Mainly he has a hard time with exaggeration or generalizations.