Originally Posted by Cookie
It does get better.

My son in fourth grade (he has Aspergers and big problems with assignments like the one you described) had weekly melt downs about this kind of stuff and it didn't have to be a huge assignment it could be one question that was to be answered in one sentence. Last year in tenth grade we were down to two assignments total that gave him problems and he needed help. Hoping he has two or less again this year.
Thank you for the encouragement! I imagine by 10th grade they've begun to specialize a little more, maybe? DS writes well when it's linear/analytical. And his own creative writing is all military-themed and plot-based (linear).

Pragmatics (which I didn't even know was a thing until recently) really colors this sort of thing, doesn't it? Has your son had formal support in place to learn better social communication (I can't recall if you've shared), or has it been your job to understand and teach?

I do feel I've got a little better grasp on this stuff now and it might be helpful when I communicate with his teachers, but in all honesty, I've been reading/researching/thinking about it all summer and have barely scratched the surface. Complex stuff. I want his teachers to understand and frame his behaviors as a neurological difference, but that might be setting my sites a little high. smile I adore the kid and he drives me bananas sometimes.

Last edited by eco21268; 08/17/15 06:15 AM.